Monday, March 24, 2014


There are many disruptions in the flow of care these days, especially in the Emergency Department. However, Disruptive has taken on a whole meaning lately, what with the proliferation of mobile and even wearable tech. Today, I cam across this post by Dr. Teresa Wu..

...As you are supervising two of your residents putting in bilateral chest tubes, your eager medical student runs up to the trauma bay with a pair of Google Glass. You are researching ways to incorporate wearable technology like Google Glass into your clinical practice and medical education so you and your medical student have a few pairs of Glass with you at work. You put on Glass and ask your medical student, “What can I help you with?” He informs you that your senior resident wants you to take a look at an ocular ultrasound of a patient he staffed with you a little while ago. He knows you are going to be tied up in the trauma bays for quite some time and wants to know if he can discharge the patient with ophthalmology follow up.

...You turn on Google Glass and link to your senior resident who is also wearing Google Glass while performing the bedside ocular ultrasound (Image 1). Through Glass you can see the ultrasound screen as he views it. What does the B-mode ocular ultrasound demonstrate? What’s the patient’s diagnosis?

Bedside Ultrasound meets Google Glass. Read the whole thing.

Just Wow!

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